Cultural Exchange

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The Process

With over a decade of experience, Boomalli has delivered this training to approximately 10,000 participants.

Boomalli’s Cultural Training package offers an in-depth exploration of First Nations culture, history, and affairs within a traditional lore framework. It equips participants to build effective partnerships and navigate stakeholder relations in modern contexts. Led by Managing Director Shannon Barnes, the program focuses on strategic futures aligned with the Aboriginal Land Council, Community Working Party, and Traditional Owners at local, regional, and state levels.

"Our staff, both new and existing, through Boomalli’s training and support, are now better equipped to deliver high-quality, effective and culturally safe services in all circumstances."

Lindsay Bull, Workforce Australia Service Manager, VERTO


Past Work


Lindsay Bull
Lindsay Bull

Boomalli’s work with VERTO has significantly enhanced our Employment Services Case Managers’ engagement, understanding and support of our First Nations participants. Our staff, both new and existing, through Boomalli’s training and support, are now better equipped to deliver high-quality, effective and culturally safe services in all circumstances. In addition, the mentoring our staff has received has empowered them to interact and connect more meaningfully with community, which, in turn, benefits our participants through the creation of opportunities with culturally appropriate support services, training and employment.

Michelle Trudgett
Western Sydney University
Professor Michelle Trudgett

Western Sydney University has been working with Boomalli Consulting since 2021. They have provided cultural workshops with a range of stakeholders from across the university including the Executive team, library, institutes and schools.  Shannon and the team share their lived experiences and provide a safe space for colleagues to learn. In turn this has positively impacted Indigenous strategies across the university and provided a stronger platform in which we can advance the Indigenous portfolio.

Suzie Stollznow​​​​
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Suzie Stollznow​​​​

In 2024 Hunter from Boomalli Consulting developed a Narration through Optic for SCIA. His generous listening, beautiful design and sharing of Culture provides us with a reminder our shared commitment with First Nations Peoples embedded into the work we do.

We have grown as an organisation through working with Shannon and Hunter at Boomalli Consulting and hope that what we have learned makes us a more culturally welcoming organisation.  We highly recommend Shannon’s team!

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